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Use themes

Themes are one of the most important things in BellJs as they give you the opportunity to choose between different designs and find the one that best suits your system. Or create your own.

Chackra Chackra theme in BellJs alert Colors Colors theme in BellJs alert Gradient Gradient theme in BellJs alert Light Light theme in BellJs alert

Using a theme

BellJs does not load the Extra default themes to improve performance. If you want to try all the themes it’s as easy as importing the CSS allThemes.css or if you want to import just the one you’re going to use light.css.

import 'bell-alert/dist/themes/light.css'

To use a theme it is as easy as selecting it. To do this we must modify the theme property of the third parameter of Bell. Here is an example:

new Bell({
title: "Using the light theme"
theme: "colors"

With this done all the alert types will change their design.

Create a theme

Creating themes is an efficient way to customize our alerts without having to change each one. But first of all we must know how these themes work.

  • BellJs CSS variables.
  • Theme name and restricted names.
  • Using the new themes.

BellJs CSS variables

Themes and most of all BellJs works with variables to improve the development environment for both the team and the users who use or modify the library. These are the variables that BellJs uses:

Variable nameUseExample
--b_tDefines the title color--b_t: white;
--b_dDefines the description color--b_d: black;
--b_bgDefines the alert background color--b_bg: red;
--b_svgDefines the icon color--b_svg: blue;
--b_brDefines the border color--b_br: gray;
--b_tDefines the title color--b_t: white;
--b_tmDefines the animation time of the timeline--b_tm: 5000ms;
--b_hDefines the height of the alert--b_h: 40px;
--b_wDefines the width of the alert--b_w: 120px;

With this in mind we can start modifying the variables to create our own theme, remember that we must modify each of the possible types such as info, error or others:

/* New Theme */ {
--b_svg: rgb(14 105 190);
--b_t: rgb(20 114 202);
--b_d: rgb(24 96 139 / 0.8);
--b_bg: rgb(245 252 255);
--b_br: rgba(8, 145, 199, 0.35);
} .b_c.warning { --b_svg: rgb(197 82 10);
--b_t: rgb(160 62 0);
--b_d: rgba(139, 85, 24, 0.8);
--b_bg: rgb(255 248 235);
--b_br: rgba(199, 84, 8, 0.3);
} .b_c.error { --b_svg: rgb(199, 8, 8);
--b_t: rgb(181, 5, 5, 0.9);
--b_d: rgba(139, 24, 24, 0.8);
--b_bg: rgb(255 245 245);
--b_br: rgba(199, 8, 8, 0.3);
} .b_c.success { --b_svg: rgb(37 169 44);
--b_t: rgb(33 117 26);
--b_d: rgb(51 117 38 / .8);
--b_bg: rgb(246, 255, 250);
--b_br: rgb(53 137 0 / .35);
} .dark { --b_svg: rgb(47 130 206);
--b_t: rgb(64 143 217);
--b_d: rgb(113 191 238 / 80%);
--b_bg: rgb(36 38 39);
--b_br: rgb(32 77 95 / 35%);
} .dark .b_c.warning { --b_svg: rgb(212 104 36);
--b_t: rgb(185 100 46);
--b_d: rgb(220 150 72 / 80%);
--b_bg: rgb(41 40 36);
--b_br: rgb(133 100 9 / 30%);
} .dark .b_c.error { --b_svg: rgb(208 59 59);
--b_t: rgb(222 72 72 / 90%);
--b_d: rgb(225 94 94 / 80%);
--b_bg: rgb(41 37 37);
--b_br: rgb(143 47 47 / 30%);
} .dark .b_c.success { --b_svg: rgb(57 206 65);
--b_t: rgb(85 185 76);
--b_d: rgb(137 235 118 / 80%);
--b_bg: rgb(44 47 45);
--b_br: rgb(53 137 0 / 18%);

Save the CSS file with the name of this new theme.

Theme name and restricted names.

The next step is to give our theme a name, although you should not use restricted names from BellJs to avoid problems, some of them are:

Restricted nameUse
.b_cAlert container CSS class
.b_pAlert container parent CSS class
.b_closeRemove button CSS class
.b_iIcons or svg CSS class
.b_t-cText container CSS class
.b_tTitle CSS class
.b_dDescription CSS class
.b_t_pPromise title CSS class
@keyframes b_a-timelineTimeline animation name
@keyframes b_a-svgPromise icon animation name

We should also not use the name of an existing theme as a theme name. Example: colors

const theme = "newTheme"

Use created theme

Now with everything already created we can use the created theme, remember to have imported the CSS of the new theme.

import 'newTheme.css';
new Bell({
title: "Using a new theme"
theme: theme

Now you can see your new theme created. If you think your theme can help or please other people, what are you waiting for? Send a PR to the BellJs repo and share your creations now.