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BellJs now supports promises, this means that you can show a loading layout while loading a request for a promise.

To use promises in Bell you just have to use the promises method of that instance. Let’s see an example:

The first thing we do is create a promise in JavaScript and the states that the promise will have are: pending, success and error.

const promise = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
const state = {
pending:"Pending promise",
success:"Resolved promise",
error:"Bad promise"

Then we create an instance of Bell, we pass it a title that will serve as a placeholder and the promise type.

const bell = new Bell({
title: "Placeholder"

Finally we use the promise method and we pass it the states and the promise as parameters:

bell.promise(promise, state)

And that’s it, you can now use promises in BellJs with fetch or others.